The annual Urlich-Hadding-Research-Award is given to excellent, young, non-habilitated researchers from the BMFZ's work groups.
The Ulrich-Hadding-Research-Award was given to:
- in the year 2016: - Dr. Wolfgang Hoyer and Dr. Andreas Müller-Schiffmann
- in the year 2015: - Dr. Marc Remke
- in the year 2014: - Dr. Sven Gould
- in the year 2013: - Dr. Thomas Schroeder
- in the year 2012: - Dr. Philipp Neudecker
- in the year 2011: - Dr. Gerd Meyer zu Hörste
- in the year 2010: - Dr. Tal Dagan
- in the year 2009: - Dr. Gabriel Gelius-Dietrich
- in the year 2008: - Dr. Helmar Christoph Lehmann
- in the year 2007: - Dr. Bernd Giebel
- in the year 2006: - Dr. Jürgen Knobloch
- in the year 2005: - Dr. Rutger Leliveld
- in the year 2004: - Dr. Roland Reinehr
- in the year 2003: - Dr. Olga Sergeeva